Create Your Own Story

What’s missing? What’s keeping you sick?

What change in your life have you yet to make that is keeping you from healing?

I have had the opportunity of helping hundreds of women in my practice.

I have listened as they all pour their heart out to me and tell me their stories.

Not one is the same.

Except most everyone has something in common holding them back from feeling well and at peace in their own body.

It’s not that they are missing a supplement, a pill, some detox or cleanse, some biohacking tool or device, a functional food, a peer reviewed study or a healing diet.

They feel stuck and they have lost themselves. They no longer feel alive in their own bodies because… “life.”

They are missing fulfillment, joy, a strong and supportive partner, a place they love to live, community, purpose, safety in their bodies and the ability to let loose, relax and be themselves without judgement.

Life shouldn’t be happening to you. You create your life.

And the way you live your life will have the greatest impact on your healing journey.

Healing doesn’t happen when you lose those 20lbs, take that supplement, cold plunge, parasite cleanse, obsess over everything that goes in your mouth, or the amount of steps you take everyday…

Healing happens when you decide that it does, when you face the things and make the changes that are holding you back.

Healing begins when you start LIVING.

Make your life a damn good one. You only live once, live on your own terms.

You have not lost yourself. You are just getting started.

Create your own story.


A high meat diet in the absence of dairy is detrimental.


Sperm count set to hit zero by 2045