A high meat diet in the absence of dairy is detrimental.

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Yes, I’m talking to you heavy muscle meat eaters that avoid dairy because it’s “inflammatory”

And all the women that get the majority of their protein from chicken breasts and turkey because you are told white meat is “leaner and healthier”…

All the people on healing diets that demonize dairy and have been eating protein from solely muscle meats or plant based sources.

One thing most of my clients notice when they start working on their calcium to phosphorus ratio by adding back in dairy is their temperatures get higher. This is a sign of an increased metabolic rate and well functioning thyroid.

Higher temps and heat in the body = good metabolic rate

When your metabolism is functioning optimally you can expect every cell and organ to be functioning better.

Metabolic Fire = vibrant health

No wonder why these heavy meat healing diets don’t work. Hello paleo, AIP, carnivore, keto, FODMAP…

They are basically just down regulating your metabolism further and putting your body into a stressed out inflammatory state.

You probably felt like shit in the first place due to your sluggish metabolism. 🙃

Oh the irony.

Eat the meat but don’t forget the dairy and bones.


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