12 things the healthiest women I know have in common

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Over the years I have paid attention to the women that I have worked with and surround myself with to figure out what it is that makes a woman healthier than another.

I have seen hundreds of women in my practice and their lab results and the women that tend to have the best markers and little complaints have these 12 things in common.

What it comes down to is resiliency.

Resiliency is a sign of health.

If you have to eat and live in this isolating perfect box with all your supplements and biohacking devices in order to not be symptomatic that is not true health.

That is not living, that is not happiness. There is nothing fulfilling about that way of living.

The healthiest women are living.

They chose their life, they made the necessary changes, they choose who they are surrounding themselves with, they took risks, they chose how they are going to show up in the world and their mindset around health.

They don’t get anxiety or overthink every little thing and enjoy things that might not be what the holistic health community would call healthy.

These women are not swayed by experts or what they see others doing. They know what is right for them.

Something that will always blow my mind.

The woman that eats a normal diverse diet and eats a lot of carbs tends to not have blood sugar issues but the woman overanalyzing everything they eat and obsessing over carbs are insulin resistant.

The woman drinking coffee tends to have strong adrenals and balanced cortisol. Yet the woman avoiding coffee is dysregulated.

The woman drinking alcohol on occasion has the best liver markers I have ever seen. But the woman that won’t even have alcohol in a tincture has liver disease.

But for some reason the women that have all the biohacking devices, history of dieting, living in their health bubbles have the absolute worst markers and are symptomatic.

My goal has and always will be try and help women understand their bodies better so they can be their own health advocate.

These are the 12 things the healthiest women I know have in common after reviewing labs, symptoms and hearing their stories.

Don’t get so focused on trying not to die that you stop living.


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A high meat diet in the absence of dairy is detrimental.