Sperm count set to hit zero by 2045
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My dad a few years after retirement was diagnosed with prostate cancer, he worked and provided for our family for his entire life.
I am seeing this more and more.
Men work their entire life in a stressful, demanding job for someone else, giving up hobbies and joy, not making time for good eating and lifestyle habits, in order to provide for their families, not really having much purpose besides being a work horse. You ask them if they like their job and they say “it pays the bills.”
They work until they are 65 to get their retirement and finally have “freedom” just to end up diagnosed with cancer. If that is not a wake up call I don’t know what is.
This post is not about prostate cancer, but the declining health of men.
The typical mans day consists of waking up and slathering themselves in chemicals, skipping breakfast, having coffee on an empty stomach or stopping in at the convenience store to grab nicotine and an energy drink. Working all day under blue lights and EMFs, carb loading for quick energy, grabbing fast food for lunch, heading home to hit up the store for beer or weed to then drown the night away while watching TV.
Ahhh the American dream, sure is dreamy…
According to Shanna Swan, an environmental and reproductive epidemiologist at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York, she found that sperm counts have dropped almost 60% since 1973. Following the trajectory we are on, research suggests sperm counts could reach zero by 2045.
Ladies, our men need help. Men’s health is not talked about enough and tends to just be brushed off with “they are more resilient” or “they can do whatever they want without repercussions.”
Well, at the cost of their reproductive health. They may “feel fine” but their sperm tells a different story.
The men in your life are only as healthy and happy as the women and people they surround themselves with and vice versa. If you have a bad lifestyle or poor eating habits and have not been taking care of yourself then your man will follow.
Don’t expect him to get his shit together if you can’t do the same.
A healthy couple could change the world.
Check in on your men often. How are they doing?