Toxic advice in the holistic health space

Whew. I am exhausted just writing all that.

The more and more I work with women I see one common thing. Everyone is so damn stressed about what they should be doing for their health.

Thanks to social media and everyone needing to share their two cents. Health has never been more confusing.

Keep in mind that what influencers or practitioners share online is usually only 1/100th of the story or education behind a certain topic. Everything is nuance. We need to start looking at it through that lense.

One thing I know for sure is the alternative health space is ever changing.

Someone will debunk that same study you based your entire diet and life on.

There will always be ex vegans, ex intermittent fasters, ex carnivores, ex keto’ers’, ex vegetarians….

But you know what never goes out of style or needs to be debunked? Eating REAL traditional food. Nobody, not one person will say they are recovering from eliminating processed man man garbage and switching to eating real traditional food. Not a single person.

The biggest problem is education. A lot of the things we see online we question or partake in only because we don’t quite understand how our bodies work. Your best and most powerful superpower is learning how your body works, the food you are consuming, where it comes from and being your own health advocate.

If we all understood how our bodies worked and knew how to tune in we would not need to outsource our health. Once you understand how your body works and what it actually feels like to be nourished there is no looking back, you sniff the bullshit from a mile away.

Be aware, be intentional, health is not unattainable even tho it seems that way.

What does health mean to you?

I can assure it it’s not about obsessing over every little symptom and thing that might be causing said symptom and the next supplement or gadget that will help. Once you realize the healing journey is never over and your body will continue to show symptoms because shocking, YOU ARE ALIVE! Things start to make a lot more sense.

You will never biohack, supplement, fast, restrict food, avoid chemicals like the plague, breathe, meditate, cleanse your way back to health.


Your body will always choose survival over reproduction


Red flags indicating your digestion is out of wack (that are not typical digestive symptoms)