Red flags indicating your digestion is out of wack (that are not typical digestive symptoms)

“Laura, my digestion is totally fine!”

As their DUTCH test comes back with high estrogen, high cortisol and terrible detox pathways.

Their blood labs are indicating parasites and inflammation.

Their HTMA is not improving despite a rigorous personalized mineral balancing protocol and proper diet.

Most women in denial end up finding the most relief once they start focusing on gut health.

They start to absorb nutrients and minerals better, their periods and moods get better, their metabolic makers improve, they feel more clear headed and have more energy.

Repeat after me:

Most symptoms are a reflection of poor gut health even if your digestion seems “totally fine.”

Everything comes back to your gut.


Everything is connected.

Your metabolism runs the show for digestion but poor digestion can slow your metabolism.

Minerals are needed to support all the digestive processes but poor digestion can inhibit mineral absorption.

Poor digestion is seen as a stressor to the body and impacts your adrenals but chronic stress impacts your adrenals which impacts your digestion.

Your mineral status and digestion impact your mood and anxiety but anxiety and low moods can inhibit the absorption of minerals that impacts your digestion.

I know. Your head is spinning.

Bottom line. Your gut is only as healthy as the nourishment you are giving it.

I tend to see ‘gut experts’ recommending super restrictive diets, having people eliminate red meat and dairy because they are “inflammatory” and replace with things like beans and tofu, switch to gluten free alternatives like chickpea pasta, have you load your body with fiber, drink more plain water, all the nuts and seeds and raw vegetables, switch to nut milks and dairy free alternatives, take probiotics…This is a recipe for a digestive disaster.

Eliminating a bunch of nutrient-dense foods that we have been consuming since the dawn of time is unnecessary and won’t solve your problems and you will likely end up in a worse place than where you began.

Once you realize this and stop going down rabbit holes of what to eliminate next for xyz symptom suppression you will gain so much more freedom and clarity.


Toxic advice in the holistic health space


The ultimate form of rebellion