Your body will always choose survival over reproduction

1 in 5 women are unable to get pregnant after one year of trying.

Interesting enough almost all women have been depriving themselves of basic physiological needs and nourishment to meet societal norms and pressures. We were never taught about our bodies or fed and nourished as we should have been. We have all been under a chronic state of stress for most of our lives unbeknownst to us thinking this way of living is normal.

Running on stress can feel really good for awhile until you crash and you completely forget who you are. You are overly reactive, emotional, symptomatic, forgetful, and withdrawing from life.

Now is not the time to go on a diet or experiment with eliminating foods and food groups. Your body needs the exact opposite.

Start thinking about your life as an energy exchange. Everything you do requires energy. Just the very act of breathing and thinking requires energy in the form of minerals and nutrients when you are in survival mode or overly stressed your bodies energy needs increase.

In my practice we assess all the systems and organs in the body to determine where your body is most stressed and what has taken the biggest hit.

If it appears your reproductive health is struggling I highly suggest running full comprehensive blood panel with all 7 thyroid markers, a DUTCH hormone panel, HTMA and GI Map to cover all your bases. You will certainly want to run these labs at least 6 months to a year before trying to conceive and if not, start nourishing your body and paying attention to your health markers as outlined in the slides. Your body will never lie to you!


We are a generation deprived of nourishment


Toxic advice in the holistic health space