I'm sorry for what I did when I was running on stress hormones

An apology from every woman that was once running on stress hormones and dysregulated nervous systems.We didn’t know better.But now that we do, we are better.

Better to be around.

Better to tend to our own needs and those around us.

Stress is the driver of all disease and imbalance in the body.When we don’t cope or become more resilient to these stressors. That is when chronic, serious symptoms start to evolve. According to Dr. Selye these are called diseases of adaptation.

There are 3 stages of stress.

The alarm stage or fight or flight, running on adrenaline, this stage can feel really good until it doesn’t anymore.

Then you enter the resistant stage which comes after prolonged exposure to the stressor, this is typically when acute symptoms start to occur to tell you it might be time to address the stressors but unfortunately most of us are continuing to push ourselves and seeking that adrenaline rush in the form of dieting and bandaid solutions.

Then there is the exhaustion stage when your body can no longer handle the stress and major health issues start to arise.Signs that you are running on stress hormones before bigger symptoms manifest:

- No appetite, especially in the morning

- Cravings

- Cold hands and feet

- Food sensitivities

- Carb sensitivities

- Increased aging

- Feeling wired + tired

- Constantly fatigued

- Can’t handle caffeine

- Digestive issues

- Mood swings, over-reactive, anxiety, + angry outbursts

- Frequent urination

- Constantly feeling like you need to do more and be productive

- Irregular periods / hormonal issues / infertility

These symptoms are your bodies way to keep you alive.

Currently in my slow, intentional, peaceful era? Except, this time. It’s here to stay.

Because once you slow down and start listening to your bodies needs there is no other way. Everything in your life becomes clearer.

One of the ways we can start to come out of this stressed state is by nourishing ourselves.Eating every 3-4 hours, eating protein, carb and fat at every meal, getting in a bedtime snack, please eat carbs, and focus on eating superior protein from animal sources.


Ovulation will not occur in the absence of light


What you THINK you need to feel better vs. what you ACTUALLY need