What you THINK you need to feel better vs. what you ACTUALLY need

Do you actually have anxiety or are you not eating often enough?

Are you actually fatigued or are you not sleeping well or enough?

Do you actually have ADHD or brain fog or are you working an unfulfilling job and have no hobbies?

Do you actually have blood sugar problems or are you skipping meals and not combing foods appropriately?

Are you actually depressed or do you need to move your body, get some sunshine and spend time out in nature?

Are you actually infertile/have hormonal probs or do you know nothing about your cycle?

Do you actually have no time in the day to workout or have you not created sustainable habits and routines?

Do you actually have digestive issues or are you in chronic conflict with people and have a heightened nervous system?

Do you actually struggle with migraines or do you need to stop using toxic products, drinking tap water and eating processed foods?

Do you actually have PMS and hormonal issues or do you need to stop forcing your body into restrictive diets?

Are you actually moody, have low libido, low motivation and no creativity or do you need to rest and live a bit slower?

And lastly,

Do you actually have _________ symptom or are you living a super stressful lifestyle completely out of alignment with who you are?

We live a world of quick fixes, constantly being bombarded with the next supplement or fad diet to heal your ailment.

But what if I told you true health really can be simple and a lot of the time just requires you being honest with yourself.


I'm sorry for what I did when I was running on stress hormones


Could your overburdened liver be causing a hormonal sh*t storm?