Ovulation will not occur in the absence of light

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I know, I know… This sounds really woo woo but hear me out, the moon is SO powerful when it comes to balanced hormones and fertility.

Our modern lifestyles and artificial lighting are creating infertility and hormonal chaos. One thing that is not discussed enough when it comes to women struggling with infertility, anovulatory cycles, low progesterone and irregular cycles is light exposure!

Before blue lights from LED’s and screens and light pollution, lack of community, lack of understanding our cycles and lack of innate wisdom the moon was used as a guide, it connected women to their bodies.

The word menstruation is derived from the latin and greek word for moon, mene. In Ancient Greece, it was believed that menstruation was a spiritually and mentally powerful time for a woman.

If we are not exposed to the right kinds of light at the right times of day our master clock will fall out of sync with the world around us and in turn our body systems and our reproductive health falls too.

Working indoors under artificial lighting and being exposed to bright artificial sources of light at night can make it really hard for our bodies to distinguish real light and darkness. Night workers (men and women) will more than likely struggle with infertility.

You can make light (and darkness) work for your fertility, not against it.

+ Take a 30 minute walk first thing in morning light and make it a point to get outside as often as possible during the day
+ When it starts to get dark out, turn off lights and switch to amber lighting, candles and red lights and turn off devices a few hours before bed
+ Be mindful of your bedtime and get to sleep between 9:30/ 10pm to support melatonin and stress hormone production

A note on melatonin. Melatonin plays a big role in fertility, hence why this method works, BUT in the amounts the body naturally makes by following the above recommendations. In excess it can actually be detrimental and in combination with progesterone can suppress ovulation. It is the hormone of stress and darkness. Darkness is stressful, our bodies produce melatonin in response to darkness.

Do you ovulate on the full moon?


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I'm sorry for what I did when I was running on stress hormones