Man-Made BS vs. Biological Needs

Let’s have a chat. K?

Does it make sense to pump our bodies with synthetic hormones all month to prevent pregnancy when we can only get pregnant a few days of the month?

Does it make sense to consume industrial oils, nut + oat milk instead of quality dairy + animal fats that we have been consuming since the dawn of time?

Do you think your body is asking to starve itself for your fast?

Do you think your body is craving cauliflower rice + fake meats, tofu, pea protein?

Do you think your tits want to be squeezed all day to restrict lymph flow + sit in a toxic laden bra? Your feet in it’s trendy shoe?

Do you think it makes sense to go in a grocery store and be able to eat the same foods all year round? Food has a season.

Do you think you need to give your newborn baby synthetic vitamin D drops when breastmilk has NEVER naturally contained vitamin D?

Do you think toxic sunscreen is healthier than exposing your body to the sun? We have been exposed to the sun since our existence as humans.

Do you think you can supplement your way out of not eating for your physiology?

Do you think depriving your body of sugar + carbs, your bodys main fuel source, makes sense?

Do you think spending all day in front of screens, under artificial light is okay?


I remember my mother would never let me leave the house without a bra on. She said only “hippies” do that. The same story goes for natural grocery stores or walking barefoot and wearing barefoot shoes or rather being in nature without service.

Being criticized for ordering coffee with real milk, drinking orange juice or choosing the real burger, rice or steak.

We are “weak” for being hungry in the morning.

Rather than understanding how our cycle works we would rather go on birth control.

These things have become societal norms.

Demonizing periods, milk, meat, the sun, carbs, sugar, naked boobies, walking barefoot.

Praising fake meat, electronics, toxic sunscreen, starving ourselves, birth control, milk + carb “alternatives”

We are blaming the very things our bodies have always needed on modern problems.

I’l be a happy hippie.✌🏼

Just a REAL, nourished girl living in a fake clown world.


But First, Breakfast


10 signs you are in burnout