10 signs you are in burnout

You walk into a doctors office with a list a mile long of symptoms, exhausted, and not feeling like yourself for what seems like forever. You are thinking thyroid, adrenals? Worse, cancer?

They tell you your blood labs look great it’s all in your head you are just stressed.

They then proceed with the “have you tried?”

X pill or x supplement?

Have you tried, go F yourself? 😂 As if you are not already stressed enough.

I mean they are not wrong. You are stressed. You are burnt out.

You are also not wrong. There is something deeper going on, you sensed it and your thyroid and adrenals are likely at play. They are always talking to each other. Your body is ALWAYS talking but unfortunately, you didn’t listen to those initial whispers.

There is a lot more than meditation that will get you out of burnout. One of the biggest and often overlooked is nourishment through the food you consume. You need to have the energy to deal with stressors, change your view and have mental clarity around them and become more resilient because lets be real stress will be unavoidable.

Stress registers in the body as a demand for energy and if not given the energy through proper fuel that it needs our adrenals burn out, our thyroid becomes compromised, our digestion sucks, our hormones become wack, we struggle with blood sugar issues and the cascade of symptoms continue.

Have you tried?

Nourishing yourself with a traditional pro-metabolic diet?

Focusing on minerals?

Saying no to people and not putting yourself in bad situations?

Making a career change or move?

Living in alignment with your female physiology?

Addressing what got u here in the first place?

Start here. If you don’t you will just continue repeating the cycle and ending up disappointed when nothing works.

Are you sick of doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results?

Are you managing stress well or do you need to start making big changes for your health?

Your body is always trying to adapt to stressors to keep you alive until it can’t.

Maybe one day people will stop having to ask you “have you tried?”


Man-Made BS vs. Biological Needs


Diet Mindset v. Nourished Mindset