Your Body Will Never Feel Safe Until

Safety is an absence of fear.

Everything we do (or don’t do) is due to fear.

Fear of dying. Fear of getting fat. Fear of disease. Fear of cancer. Fear of xyz symptom. Fear of not being loved. Fear of losing something or someone.

What if we stopped living in fear and actually started living?

This fear and the actions we take based on these fears are what is making our bodies feel unsafe.

Your body will always fight for safety. A safe body is a healthy body.

Feelings of safety can be achieved through our thoughts and feelings and most importantly our environment and HOW WE REACT AND PERCEIVE these stressors/ fear.

We as women innately know what to do and how to heal, it’s in our bones, it’s in our DNA. We can heal ourselves. And it may be as simple as just listening. Listening to everything your body is telling you about your internal and external environment.

We have never questioned that our bodies can give birth or that we won’t know how to take care of a baby. One of the biggest events of our entire life that we innately know how to do as women but yet we question everything else around us and live in fear.

If the world didn't tell you how you should be eating or living or the fear it instills, you would most likely be innately drawn to the things that make your body feel safe.


Engaging in movement you actually love.

Eating frequently and foods you enjoy.

Eating a traditional diet rich in minerals and animal foods.

Combining foods appropriately because they make you feel good.

Not skipping meals and always eating breakfast.

Always having coffee after or with meals.

Getting to bed on time and taking time away from your phone.

Spending days outdoors.

Rather than thinking.

Why me, why my body?


What is robbing me of safety right now? What if I took a minute to enjoy life rather than focusing on the negatives and what I fear.

What if we looked at our symptoms as a sign of healing rather than something being wrong that needs fixing?

What if you let your life, your environment be your nourishment?

Listen deeply. Your body is just trying to keep you safe. Nobody has the power to make you feel unsafe besides you.


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