Plant Based Diets Were Never About You Health

We have all seen them.

The videos of women on plant-based diets bragging about not getting their periods. Some even claiming that we as women don’t need periods.


Keep telling yourself that you are some spiritual being from another planet that can’t handle meat and animal products or that killing an animal doesn’t work with your “spiritual vibration” and you require light foods.

Nah girl. Your digestion just sucks.

We all have the same cells that require the same nutrients from a variety of traditional foods, proteins, carbs and fats.

Stop fighting your bodies own innate wisdom and nutritional needs as a human being for some false belief that you will save the planet, need to be smaller and eat less.

Eating nose to tail has been something we have been doing since the dawn of time. These foods are sacred and contain an abundance of easy to digest nutrients that the body requires to thrive, is required for fertility, reproduction and ensures the womb supplies ample nutrition to the growing baby.

Meat eating has always symbolizes strength, intelligence (a bigger brain) and good health for men and women.

The plant-based problem:

An increase in cruciferous vegetables, nuts and seeds, legumes, soy, processed nut milks, processed dairy, butter and meat alternatives, containing…



Synthetic vitamins


Poor digestibility


Poor protein sources

Disordered eating habits

Nutrient and mineral deficiencies

This post is in no means saying there does not need to be work done on the agricultural front or that we don’t need to put in the effort to help the planet out.

Our cells require a lot of energy. Energy from a variety of foods. You simply will not get that from a plant-based diet or worse what will eventually be a man-made fake food factory farm.


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The Dangers of Soy, Flax, and Plant Estrogens