Black Cherry Gummies


Let’s talk about GELATIN. You know, that sticky, gooey stuff that is found in marshmallows, gummy bears, candies and jello.

Did you know our ancestors practiced nose to tail eating? That’s right they made use of the whole animal. The most nutritious part of an animal is not the meat, it's the bones, the organs, and ligaments, these parts of the animal provide nutrients you can’t get anywhere else! This is where bone broth, beef liver, and gelatin come in to play, all of which I highly recommend we all eat. I know, I’ve probably grossed you out but I’m just being real. Functional foods are not always pretty.

Side note: make sure you source your meat and meat products from quality, grass-fed and finished farms otherwise, in my opinion, don’t eat it.

Benefits of Gelatin:

⫸ It helps to balance out all those muscle meats we consume (beef, pork, chicken, turkey, etc..), muscle meats and eggs can raise our homocysteine levels. High homocysteine in the blood raises our risk for disease. This is probably one of the reasons why researchers find high meat consumption linked to heart disease. But in my opinion quality matters, duh! Conventional meat is going to cause disease! Are you a big meat eater like myself? Add in some gelatin everyday (that’s where these gummies come into play)

⫸ Looking for an anti-aging supplement? Dealing with skin issues? Put down the junky biotin, prenatals and steroid creams! Gelatin helps with the production of collagen and what do we know about collagen? It’s fantastic for your skin and anti-aging. It has also been shown to help with eczema in higher doses.

⫸ Gut probs? Gelatin can help heal your gut! It helps to restore the lining of the stomach and even helps to keep fluid in the digestive tract to help with bowel movements. It also helps to bring down inflammation in the GI tract.

⫸ Got sleep issues? It’s filled with glycine which helps to promote sleep. Eat a handful of these bad boys before bed and you will be sleeping like a baby.

⫸ Anxiety? Eat your gummies! Glycine also helps to combat anxiety.

Needless to say, get in your gelatin! I like Great Lakes Beef Gelatin.

⇢ 1 cup pure fruit juice (no junk added)
⇢ 3 tablespoons raw honey
⇢ 1/3 cup gelatin
Combine the fruit juice and honey in a saucepan and bring to a simmer until honey has melted. Whisk in the gelatin until everything is combined. Remove from heat and pour into candy molds. Refrigerate for an hour.Yup! It’s that easy! Best part- it’s a perfect little snack with a great combo of protein and carbs.And no, don’t be grabbing marshmallows and gummy bears off the shelf unless you're asking for a high fructose sugar bomb. Make your own and they can actually be good for you!


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