Could Your Overburdened Liver Be Causing a Hormonal Sh*tstorm?

I know what you’re thinking. What the heck does the liver have to do with hormones? Well, a whole lot actually!
⫸ Do you wake up between the hours of 2-3 pm? or have trouble sleeping?
⫸ Do you deal with skin issues like acne, eczema or psoriasis?
⫸ Do you have allergies?
⫸ Do you have stubborn belly fat that won’t seem to go away no matter what you do?
⫸ Are your breasts sore and painful or do you have rough periods?
⫸ Do you find yourself irritated and/or angry?
⫸ Do you have any menstrual symptoms or disorders like PMS, PCOS or endometriosis?
Girlfriend. If you said yes to any of the above you have got to start supporting that liver!
The liver is our main detox organ. It filters all the toxins and waste from our body and gets them out to keep us safe.
So what does the liver have to do with hormones?
⫸ The liver helps us detox excess hormones, in particular estrogen. If it does not get detoxified from the body it will build up and be reabsorbed into the body causing a major hormonal imbalance known as estrogen dominance. This leads to PMS, moodiness, breast tenderness, PCOS, endometriosis, bloating, fatigue, low libido, headaches/migraines, and cramping.
⫸ The liver is everything when it comes to thyroid health. T4 gets converted to the active T3 in the liver. Your thyroid is the main metabolic gland and what does the metabolism do? Literally every process in the body. If your thyroid is F'd you will started experiencing cold hands and feet, irritability, constipation, infertility, anxiety, restlessness, acne, aging, etc...
How does the liver get sluggish?
First things first. The liver needs tons of energy and nutrients to do its job. The liver is going to be F’d if we are not providing our body with proper nutrients, have poor digestion and are also overburdening it with things like:
⫸ chemical filled makeup and skincare
⫸ toxic cleaning products
⫸ chemical laden tap water
⫸ plastic water bottles, food containers, etc...
⫸ too much alcohol
⫸ candles and perfumes
⫸ pharmaceuticals including birth control
⫸ pesticide covered food and conventional meats

How can you support the liver with real food? No fad diet or cleanse here..
⫸ mineral and vitamin rich foods like beef liver, egg yolks, saturated fats, dairy and grass-fed beef
⫸ get enough protein everyday
⫸ raw carrots
⫸ chlorophyll
|⫸ castor oil packs
⫸ coffee enemas
⫸ epsom salt baths
⫸ sleep before 10pm
⫸ dry brushing
⫸ vitamin C
⫸ Remember those gelatin gummies I posted about the other day? Guess what! Gelatin contains glycine which is super liver supporting.
⫸ Last but not least provide your liver with enough carbohydrates (glucose) to do its job! Girl, ditch the idea that sugar and carbs are bad- your liver depends on them. Eat the fruit and root veggies!


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