Most Common Root Causes of Hormonal Issues

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LISTEN UP! The key to addressing hormone imbalances is to address the root cause not put a band-aid over the symptoms.

Band-aids come in many different forms but when we are talking hormones it’s most likely in the form of birth control or pharmaceuticals. Neither of these are addressing the root cause but merely helping with symptom management. But you bet your ass these band-aids also come with a boat load of consequences and symptoms of their own. Girl, I’ve been there I was on the pill for 12 years. Post birth control syndrome is REAL.

Signs of hormonal imbalances include PMS, acne, migraines, breast tenderness, weight gain, irregular periods or no periods at all, trouble sleeping, anxiety, depression, low sex drive, ovarian cysts, fibroids, fatigue and disorders such as PCOS and endometriosis.

But what if I told you that you could completely reverse your hormone imbalances and symptoms simply with proper testing, nutrition, and gut healing without the "band-aids"? I know, thats a big statement. It’s not an easy or quick fix but it certainly can happen. I’m living proof.

Here are the 5 root causes of hormonal issues I see in my practice, it’s usually a combo of 2-3 if not all:

✖️Impaired digestion in the form of leaky gut, dysbiosis, and/or gut infections
✖️Other hormones: adrenal fatigue + sluggish thyroid
✖️Stress: physical + emotional
✖️Improper diet: mineral imbalances + nutrient deficiencies
✖️Detox issues: exposure to toxins + blocked detox pathways

What do almost all of these have in common? Poor gut health! You see if our digestion is impaired in anyway north to south (in other words, mouth to anus) we are not going to be absorbing our nutrients and minerals. Our adrenals and thyroid require LOTS of minerals and nutrients to function and produce hormones. If our detox pathways are not open (not pooping everyday or our liver is burdened) we are not eliminating excess hormones or toxins from the body, add in some stress, toxic junk from your skincare and makeup and an improper or poor diet on top of this and you have the perfect hormonal shit storm.


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