Is It Low Progesterone or Estrogen Dominance?

Put your hand up if you’ve ever thought you had low progesterone! Put your hand up if you’ve ever thought you were estrogen dominant!

You see, these two are the same thing. There should be a delicate balance between the two.

A couple scenarios:

In most cases our body is loaded with estrogen (due to all the excess estrogens we are exposed to) creating low progesterone. We may not actually be low in progesterone but estrogen is dominant and therefore progesterone is seen as low.

Another case would be that we are simply not producing enough progesterone which is needed in order to keep estrogen in balance.

If one is out of wack the other will be too.

We not only need to be supporting our estrogen detox but also working to boost progesterone at the same time. You can’t address one without addressing the other. If you implement progesterone only it can lead to mobilization of estrogen.

Let’s talk about progesterone. Every woman needs progesterone for their overall well-being. Especially if you have PCOS, anxiety, depression, endo, PMS, autoimmune issues or thyroid problems.

Importance of progesterone:

✖️Gets the uterus ready for pregnancy
✖️Anti-stress and anti-inflammatory
✖️Helps keep blood sugar in check
✖️Speeds up your metabolism and supports the thyroid

Tips to boost progesterone + eliminate estrogen:
✖️MOST IMPORTANT: reduce stress in every form (stress depletes us of progesterone but raises estrogen)
✖️Balance your blood sugar with carbs, proteins and fat
✖️Eat your oysters and dairy!
✖️Ditch the toxic products in your life and start supporting your liver with gentle detox strategies
✖️Get enough sunlight everyday
✖️Eat magnesium + vitamin C foods to support your adrenals
✖️Make sure you are getting to bed by 10pm before that cortisol hits

First step is getting a HTMA lab so we can see what is going on at a cellular level + address the mineral imbalances that are keeping you from producing enough progesterone. I will be offering DUTCH hormone testing in the Fall. If you purchase your package we can get you started with foundations + then do hormone testing during a follow-up.


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