Stop Blaming Dairy For All Your Problems

“My face started breaking out again Laura, do you think it’s the dairy”

“My eczema and psoriasis flared, I should probably eliminate dairy right?”

“I had a painful period this month, do you think I am eating too much dairy?”

“I put on 10lbs in the past year, do you think I need to cut out the dairy?”

“I look 9 months pregnant because I am so bloated at night, I def need to stop eating dairy”

Girl, stop blaming the dairy.

How many symptoms have you blamed on dairy? Why is it the second a symptom pops up we immediately blame the dairy?

Oh silly me, I know why. We all became terrified and brainwashed due to vegan propaganda, biased documentaries and outdated studies on conventional dairy milk. All dairy is not created equal.

Did we have some weird epiphany in the past decade? Oh the one food we have been consuming since the dawn of time is now causing all illnesses and diseases? I think not.

It makes SO MUCH sense to milk an almond, soy bean or cashew and then throw a bunch of synthetic vitamins and minerals and gums into the mix 🙄

Funny, the people demonizing the dairy fail to mention anything about the quality of dairy we consume and what has happened over the years that is making us all sick and intolerant to so many foods.

The introduction of PUFAs in the forms of vegetable oils (canola, sunflower, rapeseed, etc..), synthetic iron laden foods, processed foods, the vegan, raw vegetable/ nut and seed paleo craze that is putting our digestive systems in such disarray that now we are intolerant to basically everything as we continue to consume all these gut irritating foods.

It has just been so engrained in us to blame the dairy when it’s not the dairy at all. It’s our wrecked guts. How many times have you eliminated dairy and found relief from your symptoms? Probably never because you end up switching over or consuming in more abundance the very things that were causing your issues in the first place.

The worst part. If you don’t consume it, you lose the ability to digest it. I can understand eliminating dairy short term, key word SHORT TERM, to help relieve a symptom while working on the root cause (most likely your gut) but you need to add it back in girlfriend. We can not be living in food fear for years and then expect to add it back in without issues.

Dairy is one of the most nutrient dense foods you can consume. You could literally survive and thrive just off of dairy if you needed to, that is how amazing this superfood is. YES, consider dairy a superfood, not some lame ass green smoothie loaded with synthetic green powders.

Before you go blaming the dairy, work on getting your gut in check. I suggest once you are ready and you have gone down the gut healing journey try adding it back in starting with goat or sheep milk/cheese in small quantities, then make your way to cow milk/cheeses. Remember quality matters, grass fed always, raw is best.

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