Weight Loss + Healing

Fat Loss vs. Healing Phase

Healing and fat loss are often two different phases that don’t go hand in hand.

A healed body is one that can handle fat loss, but losing weight will NOT heal you.

Losing weight can actually be effortless when you’re body is in the right state. But trying to lose weight, in a healing state can actually be really detrimental to the body. Just like a body builder, you may need to bulk before you cut.

The reason is that often in a healing phase, we need to be in a constantly fed state which doesn’t allow for fat loss.

This is why we always talk about nourishment first.

When you start implementing more nourishing foods, you may gain a little weight. This is to be expected after years of down-regulating your metabolism.

Unfortunately, most of us are coming from a metabolically compromised state already due to under-eating, fasting, the standard American diet, chronic dieting and over-exercising so it takes some strategy.

But as your body becomes more and more nourished (and healed!), you can then support your metabolism in preparing for a fat loss phase.

Signs You Might Be Ready For A Fat Loss Phase

  1. Implemented all foundations for diet + lifestyle to help support metabolism (everything we teach in Wild + Well-Fed Course)

  2. Stable blood sugar, not getting shaky between meals

  3. Healthy appetite

  4. Getting quality sleep

  5. Daily healthy bowel movements

  6. Hormones feel stable- no severe PMS, libido or stress issues

  7. Generally, you feel pretty good

You should never feel guilty for wanting to lose weight and feel good!

But weight loss is a lot more than just calories in, calories out. It’s about setting your body up to be able to go into a fat loss phase effortlessly and sustainably.

It’s going to take strategy and getting really honest with yourself.

It’s not rocket science, it’s just going to take longer than you think. So you need to be patient.

It took me 7 months to lose 20lbs. I know that sounds crazy in our world of quick fixes and quick results, but losing more than 1-2lbs per week is not health or sustainable.

You can eat a metabolically supportive, nutrient dense diet and lose weight pretty effortlessly.

Why We Created Our Course- Wild + Well-Fed™️

Our course is not a weight loss course but a foundational piece needed to heal your body to be able to lose fat when ready. We teach you all about how to strategically eat a nutrient-dense diet, come out of dieting and support your metabolism naturally, as well as what biomarkers to look for to make sure you’re on the right track. We have a comprehensive lesson on weight loss that provides a lot of education on how your body loses fat and how to use discernment in deciding if your body is ready, steps to take and how to support your body during this process.

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