Every rose has it’s thorn. Every food and supplement comes with drawbacks and nuances no matter how nourishing it is.

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The year you stop DIYing your health from social media posts, google, blogs and influencers.

Every food, every supplement, every exercise, every biohacking device, every health gadget comes with bad too but nobody talks about it.

The nutrition highlight reel.

The most nutrient-dense foods also have their drawbacks.

Like anything in life. Moderation is key.

Just because someone said a food is good for you does not mean you go HAM on it.

Why am I putting on weight and feeling worse eating nutrient dense foods?

Oh girlfriend. Let’s take a look…

Someone posts about dairy being the perfect food… So you go drink a 1/2 gallon of raw milk a day.

Someone posts about how cruciferous vegetables can impact your thyroid and leafy greens have anti nutrients…Swears off all vegetables and leafy greens.

Someone posts about how red meat is nutrient dense… Starts eating a pound of red meat a day.

Someone posts about sourdough…Starts having a slice of sourdough bread with every meal.

Someone says PUFAs cause oxidative stress… Swears off every food that even has a speck of PUFA in it.

Someone said a supplement helped them with xyz… Immediately purchases it not realizing that supplement does not work for their body or needs.

Ladies. Use discernment when reading instagram posts.

You are smarter than this.

Pick your poison or just choose to eat ALL real foods in moderation. Overdo anything and you will have consequences.

And when in doubt work with a practitioner for more guidance.

The nutrition and holistic health space on these apps is really something else these days, and honestly it’s just making people sicker and more stressed out.

Next season of the Wild + Well-Fed podcast is all about discernment and social media. No filter. Stay tuned.

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