9 things I have learned about healing from my own healing journey and from helping hundreds of women in my practice

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HEAL: to make well again

There is this idea that your healing journey never ends. Altho to some extent that is true, I firmly believe everyone can heal if given the right environment.

You are ALIVE, you will have symptoms come up occasionally in response to it’s current stressors and environment. You are human.

I remember when I first started dating my husband 14 years ago when my health issues started getting worse. I told him about some symptom I was experiencing that was becoming more chronic, something I was embarrassed about, nobody wants to tell a guy they have been dating for a few months about a health issue they are having and he said “it’s okay, you are human”

That was probably one of the most profound statements I had ever heard. I don’t think he quite knew the genius of that statement but it always stuck with me.

Just being HUMAN.




And sometimes that involves a mental, emotional, physical rollercoaster.

But rather than seeing it as a roadblock you get curious and you understand your body enough to know it’s up to something in your favor. It’s responding to a current circumstance.


Symptoms become less and less overtime once you take charge of your health. You become more resilient.

Work on eliminating toxic, unsupportive people, stuck emotions and enviornments that are taking you further away from your goals.

Get closer to nature with your food and enviornment.

Start tracking your food, your symptoms, your cycle etc… to get a clearer picture of where your imbalances lie. Remember we need to work harder for our health these days.

Stop wasting money on supplements, diets and products that you likely don’t need. Invest in yourself and sustainable habits.

Clear out all the noise from your feed.

If you need guidance, lab testing and support join our Wild + Well-Fed membership for $19.99 per month! We can help!

Be patient. You will be well again. Don’t look back and regret you didn’t take these steps sooner.

Make health something you WANT before you operate out of fear when it becomes something you NEED.


Every rose has it’s thorn. Every food and supplement comes with drawbacks and nuances no matter how nourishing it is.


At some point I stopped...and I healed