Our stressful lifestyles and disconnection from our feminine bodies is causing a pandemic of low progesterone

Unfortunately, we are living in a world where our bodies and reproductive systems are under constant attack.

Being handed birth control like its candy.

The physical, mental and emotional stress burden of life today.

Not fully embracing our unique bodies and trying to keep up with a masculine lifestyle.

Chronic mineral and nutrient deficiencies.

Restricting calories and whole food groups to fit a body size that does not serve us.

Over-exercising and under-eating or eating a diet high in “alternatives” to real, nourishing foods.

Low protein diets and plant-based diets void of cholesterol and vitamin A.

Low carb diets creating unnecessary stress on the liver.

Consuming an abundance of PUFAs creating oxidative stress and a high estrogen environment.

Our mothers prenatal nutrition and imbalanced hormones predisposing us to hormonal problems later in life.

And our overly toxic water, air and personal care products.

All of these things impact ovulation and how well your ovulate.

During ovulation you drop an egg to be fertilized. This egg becomes the corpus luteum. The corpus luteum produces progesterone for the second half of your cycle, the luteal phase and it should be the dominant hormone during this phase.

But instead of having a perfect ratio of estrogen to progesterone most women are dealing with an overburden of estrogen and low progesterone.

This creates symptoms of fibroids, varicose veins, growths, histamine intolerance, infertility, sore breasts, difficulty losing weight, PMS, heavy periods, clotting, cramping, headaches, migraines, acne, water retention, gut issues, thyroid dysfunction, anxiety, blood sugar issues and fatigue.

Are you ovulating and producing progesterone? This is a vital sign, every month check in with yourself, evaluate your EWCM and temp changes.

A healthy nourished body requires ovulating and ovulating well.

Our lifestyles are killing our fertility and health.


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