We Bleed. We give birth. We produce breast milk. But for some reason think our bodies won't revolt against a masculine lifestyle and diet?

Unfortunately in todays world we are completely disregarding the fact that female and male physiology is different and often lump them together when it comes to diet and lifestyle recommendations.

This comes at the cost of our health.

We are living in a world where women are expected to have masculine lifestyles despite the fact that our physiology CAN NOT and WILL NOT support it.

We wonder why women feel disconnected, completely lost, and need to go on birth control to continue their go-go-go lifestyle, unwilling to learn their cycles because life is “too busy”.

And then the cascade of symptoms due to our masculine lifestyles, plagued with mineral imbalances, hormonal, digestive and nervous system issues.

Constantly feeling like something is missing from your life, feelings of fear, anxiety and depression, not being fully present is a sign it’s time for a change and more than likely it’s because you have lost touch with who you are and and what it means to be a woman.

A few ways to nourish and step into your feminine:

+ Learn the phases of your cycle and how each phase impacts your energy levels, workouts, productivity and macros

+ Can’t believe I am saying this but go to a grocery store, pick out and touch your food, this convenience culture is killing your innate wisdom

+ Consume nutrient-dense real foods from nature that you touch, smell and cook yourself.

+ Eat every 3-4 hours, coffee after a meal for blood sugar balance and stable energy. A well-nourished, fertile, happy woman does not live off air.

+ Stop falling for every fad diet, supplement, biohacking device or randomized study, you are not a to-do list

+ Stop restricting calories and food groups

+ Workout for vitality and to get stronger don’t kill yourself in the gym for a certain body shape

+ Do things you enjoy ‘just because’ without needing to be productive or make money from them

+ Play, dance, read books for fun, paint, garden, bake, laugh more, be creative

+ Understand that our hormones change the way we respond to food, exercise and stress and give yourself grace

Are you hungry for a change? To slow down and step into your uniquely, beautiful feminine body?


9 functional foods for a nourished woman


Your symptoms are not "just hormonal"