The Harsh Truth: Nobody actually gives a shit about you because they are too damn worried about themself.

Stop letting the fear of what other people think about you determine your life.

I know. You are thinking what the heck does this have to do with nutrition.

Well everything.

A lot of the reason we as women are so sick is because we have lived our lives caring so much about what others think.

All of the diets we have been on. All our poor nutrition choices. It all comes down to how we look. We see someone on social media that appears to have it all with a “great” body so they must be doing it right.

We have been sold that certain diets will promise us great skin, beautiful hair and thin figures for centuries.

I mean hell, in the 1920’s we were told the cigarette diet was the way to go and there were no repercussions.

Just like any diet nowadays, we are only told all the good, we are promised we will be thin goddesses with glowing skin, tons of energy and it will fix all our problems in life and we will live forever!

Because being thin will make you happy right? Being thin does not fix your health problems, your stress levels, your toxic relationships, honestly it fixes nothing about your life or your health.

And truthfully, ALL diets, this desire to be thin and look a certain way out of fear of what other people will think is destroying our hormones, guts and metabolism. If diets worked there wouldn’t be so many.

You are too afraid to go out with friends or see family because you put on a few pounds or you have some acne on your chin or maybe your hair and skin is not up to your standards.

Whatever insecurity you are struggling with. I can guarantee whoever you are with has just as many or more insecurities (even if they won’t admit it).

Stop letting the fear and anxiety of what other people think determine your life and stomp your joy, because truly, they don’t give a shit about you and once you fully understand this, it’s so freeing.

Be honest with yourself, is everything you are doing out of fear of what others think? Or are you truly doing it for your own joy and happiness. This includes the diet that you keep, the decisions you make around money + relationships, and where you put your energy.

The less fucks you give the more you will truly live.


9 Lies You Have Been Told About Health and Your Body


A Day in the Life of Eating