What You Think You Need To Detox Vs What You Actually Need To Detox


Before someone tells you “oh girl you just need to detox” you tell them to hold their horses!

You have a whole lot more work that needs to be done before you stress out your body with some trendy cleanse or diet. I don’t give a fuck how many testimonials there are.

I see so many people with zero energy, in a super depleted state being advised to detox whether that is cleansing, supplementing, fasting or some special diet.

EXCUSE ME? Let’s really think about that. Do you really think some aggressive detox is going to be the answer to your prayers without addressing any foundational work?

I will tell you right now some single metal, parasite or toxin is not the root to all your symptoms.

The real question to ask is.


Your undernourished, mineral depleted, stressed out body of course.

How can you possibly expect your body to take care of heavy metals, parasites, chemicals, toxins, or whatever else is in there when you are not giving it the energy it needs to do so?

Fasting and cleanses, depriving your body of vital nutrients and energy for the sake of detoxing? Give me a break!

You need energy, lots of energy for your body to be able to detox and heal in the first place.

Focus on building up your system not breaking it down.

Your body is intelligent and knows exactly how to heal and how to detox on it’s own as long as it has the nourishment it needs to do so. Forcing metals and toxins out of the body is unnatural and not necessary. Your body has it’s own order of healing. Trust it.

It always comes back to the foundations. Nourishment with a traditional diet, mineral balancing, blood sugar balancing, digestion, stress, sleep and toxin elimination from your environment.

In my opinion the only shit you need to be detoxing from is your toxic habits, toxic people, and toxic environment.


Salt Sugar Saturated Fat


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