10 Things That Impact Your Health Status Today

Listen up, your current health status has nothing to do with what you did today, yesterday, or even a year ago from now. It goes way back!

We get so hyper-focused on the now and our current symptoms.

“I have adrenal fatigue and PCOS, I think I worked out too hard at the gym for the past year”

“I am estrogen dominant, it must be that lipstick and lotion I have been using”

“I have acne, it’s totally the dairy”

“I have migraines, it must be my hormones”

“I have IBS, I must be sensitive to eggs, dairy, gluten, grains, and fruit”

True, MAYBE these could be some culprits to your symptoms.

But in reality, these symptoms are just a representation of years and years of stress, neglect and abuse on our bodies and most of the time it’s unbeknownst to us and starts as early as the day we are conceived.

As women living in today’s world, we are SO stressed out. Add any of the above on top of that already full stress bucket and that is the perfect recipe for chronic health symptoms.

Healing is not just about nutrition. It is mental, emotional and physical.

Nutrition is the foundation. Without it, you will never have the energy to dive deeper.

Are you living your life purpose?

Was your mom stressed during pregnancy and burning through minerals?

Where you born c-section and formula fed depriving you of necessary bacteria for your gut to thrive?

Where you on birth control for years? Maybe antibiotics?

Did you grow up drinking fluorinated tap water, sodas, and processed foods?

Have you been slathering toxins all over your body your entire life?

Are you a type A? Putting loads of pressure on yourself from childhood?

Did your mother speak poorly about her body creating body dysmorphia + disordered eating habits?

Have you been chronically dieting or over-exercising for years?

Are you always on a quest to “fix” yourself and telling yourself you hate your body?

All of this matters. And we can not expect that 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, or even in a year we will heal. We are trying to heal a lifetime of stressors.

Be patient. There is nothing “wrong” with you, you don’t need to be “fixed”. You have just been through a lot girlfriend, give yourself some grace.


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