Are Your Supplements Supporting You Or Creating Further Imbalance?

How many times have you been told take these supplements? A multi or prenatal? Maybe you were told to consume foods enriched with vitamins A + D?

Or perhaps you were “influenced” by some random person to take said supplements promising to boost immunity, heal acne, or aid in weight loss.

I know girl, i’ve been there.

I get it. These nutrients are important but ONLY if they are in balance with one another.

Supplementing in isolation, in abundance, in the incorrect ratios will create an imbalanced mineral shit storm in your body.

Cough, cough, multivitamins + prenatals.

Minerals are a game of cofactors, they all work in relation to one another + need cofactors to be utilized. If one is deficient another will accumulate. This is our bodies defense mechanism.


Zinc antagonizes copper as they compete for binding sites. If you are deficient in copper, iron accumulates.

Iron depletes vitamin E and we got enough of it floating around in our tissues, see previous posts.

Copper dysregulation is one of the most common things I see in my practice when hormone struggles are present.

Vitamin A in the form of beta carotene is not only hard to convert to retinol but it has an intimate relationship to vitamin D.

Calcium in excess to magnesium causes calcium to precipitate out of solution + contributes to calcium deposits, as well as magnesium deficiency.

Vitamin D in isolation causes issues with calcium metabolism (calcification), increases magnesium burn rate, decreases potassium, A + copper.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is a derivative of vitamin C. This form depletes copper.

Multivitamins are never in the correct ratios, not nearly as bioavailable + typically synthetic.

Nature knows best + provides food in the perfect package with all the cofactors to support each nutrient, especially with the consumption of animal sourced foods. Bioavailability is 10 fold to supplements.

Foods to focus on: grass-fed meats + dairy, shellfish, eggs, roots, + fruits.

You want to be a nutrient-dense bitch, ditch the enriched. 💁🏻‍♀️👸🏻

For real tho, ditch the enriched foods, synthetic multi’s, + vitamins in isolation + work on getting your nutrients from food.


How To Actually Balance Your Hormones


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