Flax Seed is a Waste Product

But Laura, I was told that flax is supposed to help balance my hormones, help me go to the bathroom and eliminate excess estrogen. 🙄

Girl, if you are having a hard time going to the bathroom there is a whole lot more that needs to be addressed.

Here’s the deal. Linseed oil (flax) is used in paints and coatings because it undergoes oxidation and forms a natural, plastic like film under heat aka a nice 98 degree human body.

YUM! Plastic! I can’t think of anything better to balance my hormones! You all know the deal by now, PUFAs cause hormonal hell.

Basically they wanted to make money off of a waste product. Now that it’s being used for human consumption, animal consumption, and industrial production it’s bringing in that money honey.

The idea behind taking flax is that it contains lignans that can help bind to excess estrogen to help escort it out of the body. Which is great right? Wrong.

Flax contains linoleic acid, basically a shit load of omega 3 and PUFA, these are precursors to prostaglandins that stimulate cancer cells in dozens.

Linoleic Acid > Prostaglandin E2> polymines > proliferation

Estrogen becomes a problem when the liver is overburdened and can not detox excess, why are we adding fuel to the fire? We know PUFAs like nuts and seeds and flax seed cause a toxic shit storm creating more burden on the liver.

Studies show in breast thermograms that phytoestrogens or “weak” estrogens found in flax seed + other plants, soy + seeds are nothing to mess around with and feed cancer.

Thermograms show how strong phytoestrogens really are.

“We see so many women who start taking these supposedly healthy products go from at risk thermograms to abnormal ones in three months or less” - Sellens + Hobbins

And no, in today’s world, you are not low in estrogen, it is near impossible. Estrogen dominance is basically a pandemic.

The next time someone recommends flax seed or seed cycling to balance your hormones I’d give them a hard pass and do this instead:

+ Raw Carrot Salad

+ Well Cooked White Button Mushrooms

+ Beets for bile production

+ Castor oil packs

+ Eliminate exogenous estrogens

+ Give the liver fuel with fruits, dates, honey and sugar


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