Why Do I Wake Up Multiple Times Throughout the Night?

One minute you are sound asleep and then the next you are wide awake staring at the clock 1am, 2am, 4am… Maybe you had to pee, maybe your heart is racing, maybe you are experiencing anxiety or racing thoughts, maybe you are sweating, or maybe this is just your norm with out any real reason for it. Does this sound like you?

Altho it may be common to wake up throughout the night it certainly is not normal.

A sign of a good functioning metabolism is 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep a night. Unfortunately you can not catch up on sleep.

Sleep should be a non-negotiable. It is a time to heal and re-charge, without it you are mush, literally.

Looking to lose weight? Dealing with hormonal issues like PCOS or estrogen dominance? There is a direct connection to sleep and insulin resistance. Without it, you will never be able to drop those pounds or heal your hormonal imbalances or heal anything for that matter.

The #1 reason you’re waking up throughout the night especially at that typical 1-4am timeframe is LOW BLOOD SUGAR! The liver is responsible for maintaining our blood sugar levels and stores glucose from the carbs that we eat so it can release a steady stream of glucose to our cells so they can do their job. A stressed out body and an unhealthy liver can only hold onto glycogen for so long before needing to use other resources. Waking up throughout the night is basically your body screaming FEED ME.
This not only causes poor sleep but also early morning headaches, tiredness, shaking, dizziness, etc.

Are you eating enough throughout the day? Are you eating enough carbs? Are you going to bed without eating for hours?

Other things to consider:

⫸ Your bedroom temp
⫸ Too many lights or gadgets
⫸ Your going to bed too late, 10pm is key before that cortisol spike
⫸ You are not putting away devices or shutting off the TV a couple hours before bed to wind down
⫸ Histamine issues that leave you waking up with a racing heart and mind
⫸ Too much alcohol or liquids
⫸ Mineral imbalances
⫸ Low progesterone

Girlfriend, ditch the idea that you will sleep when your dead, without it you already are!


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