What Every Woman Should Consider in Prep for Pregnancy

Maybe you just went off birth control in hopes of conceiving soon.

Maybe you are just hoping to have a healthy pregnancy and baby.

Maybe you have been trying to conceive for awhile with no luck.

Whatever may be going on get your minerals checked girlfriend! The state your body is in pre-pregnancy will determine how your body handles pregnancy. If you go into pregnancy mineral and hormone depleted whether it be from stress, birth control, diet, lifestyle, or just due to the depleted soils we get our food supply from it will determine how healthy your pregnancy and recovery will be. We are all under some kind of stress whether we want to believe it or not. The world we live in is stressful add a pregnancy on top and bam! We are asking to feel depleted.

We also have to keep in mind that we imprint our mineral and hormonal imbalances onto our children. For example, say we are depleted in zinc and sodium both of which are necessary for proper hydrochloric production and prevention of heartburn and acid reflux this may show up in our babies as GERD aka spitting up repetitively, fussiness during feeding, and heartburn.

We need minerals like copper, potassium, and calcium, just to name a few, to actually be able to carry a baby. Making sure these minerals are balanced and robust is key to a healthy, happy pregnancy.

But Laura, I’m taking prenatals so I’m good! Here is the DL on prenatals. In short, most of the time they are synthetic and junky, contain loads of iron and copper, and do not have the proper balance of minerals and can actually do our bodies more harm than good. Taking too much of one mineral can throw them all out of wack!

So what the heck do I do?

First, I would recommend all women prep for pregnancy for at least 6 months before trying to conceive whether you have been on birth control or not.

Side note: I always love when someone tells me they went off birth control and their doctor told them they can start trying to conceive right away. WHAT IN THE HELL! 🤯😑

Second, I would recommend working with a qualified practitioner and getting a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis to get a clear picture of the state your body is in, how your thyroid and adrenals are functioning and address any mineral and nutrient deficiencies.

Obviously we can’t always plan for pregnancy, accidents happen! But if we have the ability to be able to plan we should take these things into consideration. Women’s bodies are amazing and they will do what they need to do regardless of the state their bodies are in but why go in depleted if you have the option not to do so?

Pregnancy is literally the most stressful event a woman will ever experience in their life making sure you are going into it fully nourished is key. A properly balanced and healthy body will result in a great pregnancy, great recovery, and a healthy baby.


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