4 Food Habits That Are Wrecking Your Metabolism

Who’s guilty of these food habits? I know I sure am. I have done my fair share of experimenting with each of these in hopes of achieving something. I say something because looking back I literally have no idea why I experimented with any of these things. Was it for weight loss? Was it in hopes of seeing changes with my health? I’ll have to go with the latter. I think we can all admit we have tried starving ourselves, eliminating food groups, and following diet trends in the name of a few pounds.

At the end of the day none these things worked and actually caused more harm than good. A lot of times these things can work for a short period of time, some people even years but at some point our bodies will become so stressed out that we will crash. Eventually our metabolism will take the hit and we will start seeing symptoms show up in the form of adrenal fatigue, thyroid disorders, hormonal imbalances, and digestive issues.

Here are 4 habits that are destroying your metabolism:


Do you find yourself hangry often? Are you starving yourself without even knowing it? Do you go all day without eating because you’re too “busy”? Proper meal timing is one of the most important ways to get your body back in balance and honestly it’s hard to truly heal without focusing on it. Eating at the same time everyday is crucial and not only that eating every 3 hours is ideal. We wonder why we can’t lose weight or can’t get our hormones in check. Girl, how safe do you think your body feels when it has no idea when it’s getting its next meal? You bet it will be holding on to extra weight for safety.


Are you a carb loader all day and then maybe fit in a bit of protein for dinner? I see this all the time in my practice. Where’s the protein ladies? We need to be having a combination of protein, carb and fat at every meal and snack to prevent blood sugar spikes and dips and keep our hormones and adrenals happy!


Do you really think our ancestors wouldn’t have eaten all day if they could? I love that, “but our ancestors fasted!” okay, they sure did but I can guarantee it’s not because they wanted to. Who wouldn’t eat if they actually could? As if we all aren’t stressed out enough, let’s also starve ourselves? Like I said before, this may be one of those “diets” that works for a little bit, our bodies are resilient and will fight to stay alive. This doesn’t mean we should make it fight! This is where we will eventually see weight fluctuations and that “safety” weight I was talking about. Intermittent fasting artificially makes us feel like we have lost weight and are slimmer because duh we are STARVING ourselves, of course our bodies will feel lighter.


Do you find yourself always trying out the new trend? Did some social media influencer “influence “ you to only eat 1200 calories a day? Go vegan? or keto? or paleo? or carnivore? or whatever else trend/ diet is out there. I’ve lost track at this point. The yo-yo dieting is probably one of the most stressful things we can do to our bodies. We wonder why our bodies revolt after going on some strict diet that eliminates a whole food group!.Why are we stressing out our already stressed out bodies? What it all comes down to is listen to your body! Give it what it needs, nourishment and stress relief.


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