Get Dirty to Stay Healthy!

Let’s get DIRTY!

On one of my previous posts I mentioned a good way to keep our gut microbiome up to par and our immune systems healthy is to get dirty. As we know by now, our whole body has an ecosystem of good and bad bacteria, not just in our gut but also on our skin. Keep in mind anything we put on our skin gets absorbed into our bodies and bloodstream.

The problem with our modern lifestyle is that we don’t respect bacteria anymore. We have been told that bacteria is bad and we need to get rid of it to not get sick and to be healthy. This is FALSE.

In fact, back in the 1800’s there was something called "rich peoples disease,” rich people kept their homes very clean and sanitized but got sick often. The poorer population who slept on the ground with their animals never got sick. Cleaner environments don’t house the good bacteria, fungus and spores that our bodies need to keep our microbiome robust!

Dirt has a microbiome too! Breathing in, playing in, and digging in dirt is good for our health. Our modern, sterilized life in office buildings and homes are not. Researchers have clear evidence that exposure to outdoor microbes is linked to a healthier immune system and less occurrences of getting sick.

So yes, GO GET DIRTY. Open up those windows let that fresh air, fungus and bacteria in, garden without gloves, walk barefoot outside, sleep in the same clothes for a week, don’t wash your towel for a couple weeks, wash your sheets once a month, hand wash your dishes, don’t wash all of your skin in the shower (only the parts that need washing) to prevent stripping your skin of all the good bacteria and oils, and let your kids play in the dirt!

And for the love of god, ditch that hand sanitizer. It’s not doing us any favors. Not only is it full of harsh chemicals destroying our hormones but using them can lead to antibacterial resistance.

Yes, I give you permission to not clean your house and go play in the dirt, let that bacteria THRIVE!

I make it a point to get outside, get dirty, and breath in that microbiome a couple times a week during our hiking adventures. How are you getting dirty?


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