What Is Your Happy Weight?

Raise your hand if you really know your happy weight. I mean really know.

I’m talking the weight your body FEELS it’s best, the weight your body feels nourished, safe, energetic, happy and less symptomatic.

As women we have no idea what our happy weight is.

We have had negative thoughts around food and our bodies since we were in grade school.

We have been restricting, over-exercising, under-eating and starving ourselves for the majority of our lives because society tells us we need to be skinny to be worthy and the wellness industry promotes things like juice cleanses, low carb diets and fasting to be “healthy.”

Our bodies change. We cannot compare our bodies to others, to what we looked like in high school or hell what we looked like two years ago.

The problem is, once you start nourishing your body often and giving your body what it needs for the first time EVER, you will put on weight. Duh.

The other problem is, we think this is a bad thing but actually your body is thanking you for giving it energy, giving your cells life and nourishing it.

In most cases this is just safety weight, weight your body will shed as soon as it feels safe enough to do so.

As soon as she trusts you again.

We so quickly forget how much better we feel. Having healthy pain free periods, the brain fog has lifted, our skin is glowing, our digestion is on point, we have energy and a zest for life again.

Instead you are so laser focused on the scale and regardless of how far you have come on your health journey, you still believe that losing weight is what will truly make you happy.

But will it? No.

Nobody gives a shit if you have a six pack or are skinny if you are boring and no fun to be around because food has taken over your life.

Stop fighting against your body and start working with it. And most importantly give yourself grace during the healing process.

Your best weight is the one where you can live a fulfilling happy life, free from restriction, free from obsessing over every little thing that goes in your mouth and really enjoying food again.

If you have to restrict to keep your desired weight. It’s not the weight for you. Period.

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