4 biggest mistakes I see women make when it comes to nutrition

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Ladies, nutrition is only as hard as you make it. It is not rocket science truly.

I get it, we are bombarded daily by millions of influencers and professionals aggressively telling you and convincing you to eat one way or another.

What if every time you made a meal you thought to yourself is this going to support my goals or hinder my goals? Is this going to be the most nourishing for me right now?

The 4 biggest mistakes I see over and over again taking women further from their health goals when it comes to nutrition:

ONE. Not eating enough protein or not eating enough of the right protein sources, plant protein is not going to get you closer to your goals

TWO. Demonizing carbs and not eating enough carbs (100 grams of carbs is not going to work and just try to compete with all that fat you are eating to compensate) Most issues women have, especially hormonally are linked to blood sugar dysregulation, that does not mean to eliminate the carbs but eat the right ones in the right way and work getting your body to use those carbs. Eliminating them is just a bandaid and more detrimental longterm.

Eating a potato is sending a totally different signal to your body than eating a pastry. Eating a carb without protein is sending a totally different signal than eating a naked carb.

THREE. Eating way too much fat! Nourishing foods tend to contain a lot of fat so you need to keep that in mind when creating your daily meal plan

FOUR. Not eating enough fiber! This is huge because a lot of us have pretty wrecked digestive systems preventing us from digesting fiber well. The goal is to get your digestive system to a place where it can eat all foods without consequence.

You get to choose how you eat. No one is in your kitchen everyday holding your hand. It is only as hard as you make it! Nourishing is quite easy and should be a priority.

Everything you eat, the way you eat it, how you feel about the food you are eating sends a signal to your body about it’s environment and in turn will determine how your body uses that food for fuel.

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Our generation is exhibiting the worst health crisis in history. Let’s talk about it...


Maybe she’s born with it, maybe she’s well-fed.