You know when...
If you are in your 30’s, 40’s, and beyond you are not alone. It is not too late to change the trajectory of your life and your families lives.
It is not rare to run into women in their 40’s that have no idea how to cook or even have the desire to learn, have no idea how their menstrual cycle works, what foods are nourishing or hindering, or how to use a herbal or food based at home remedy for an acute ailment.
They are too overwhelmed and stressed out that they have lost all fulfillment in their lives. They have no idea who they are and have no connection to their bodies.
It is baffling and sad the amount of women that are so lost that they will choose to listen to a clinical study over their own body and intuition these days. Talk about brainwashing and conditioning.
In all honesty, it’s not their fault. They (we) were taught this, to continuously be put into a state of distraction, disassociation, confusion, and addictions. The goal has always been to get you as far away from your inner guidance as possible.
We are being fed tools day in and day out from day one to intentionally take us farther away from our intuition and innate wisdom.
An awake woman is a dangerous woman.
It’s never too late to:
- Learn how to cook and how to cook well
- Learn about how to use herbs / functional foods / nature as healing tools
- Learn about nutrition and how your unique body works
- Learn your menstrual cycle and start tracking/ paying attention to it’s entirety, not just your bleed
- Ditch the idea that your worth comes from the diet you keep and how your body looks
- Choose family, community and/or fulfilling life over an unfulfilling career
When you meet a woman like this you will see there is something magical and powerful about her. A woman that follows her intuition and deeply listens to her body.
Nobody will save you but yourself. You have not lost your intuition and ancestral wisdom, she’s in there dying to come out.
Spend as much time as you can in your body without distractions. Get to know her. Like really know her, she probably has most of the answers you seek.