The 6 biggest mistakes women make when trying to balance their hormones

Anytime a woman does not feel good or shows an inkling of emotion the blame is put on hormones. Apparently women are not allowed to feel unwell or show feelings or emotions without being told they are hormonal.

I appreciate the acknowledgement that women have different physiology than men. Truly I do but that does not make us hormonal wrecks.

In fact, your hormone problems are not related to your hormones at all but rather your stressful lifestyle that has created a cascade of imbalances in your body. Hormones are always downstream.

Women are not meant to live in chronic fight or flight.

Women are not meant to go-go-go all the time living in masculine energy 24/7.

Women no longer have community and support.

We no longer know what it means to relax and slow down.

We are no longer taking care of ourselves.

And in turn we put our health and well-being on the back burner.

We over-commit, our nutrition sucks, we constantly forget to eat, we don’t sleep well, everything seems like a burden, we get consumed in diet culture and do stupid things like starve ourselves, go on restrictive diets and over-exercise…We seek quick fixes rather than doing the hard work to change our lives.

You get to choose your version of hard but spinning your wheels trying bandaids, diets and supplements to be left discouraged sounds a lot harder than taking care of yourself and getting your internal environment healthier to actually balance your hormone.

A few of the most important factors:
+ Sleep 7-9 hours every night
+ Eliminate endocrine disruptors - water, skincare, makeup and cleaning products
+ Eat a traditional, mineral rich diet, eat every 3-4 hours, combining carb, protein and fat
+ Get more in touch with your feminine - create slow mornings and evenings, cook all your meals at home, get out in nature, garden, show emotions, be creative, laugh, sing and play, and tune in to your menstrual cycle
+ Possibly address digestion, liver, thyroid, adrenals and minerals
+ Evaluate stressors to help your body feel safe

These are the things that matter.

Be honest with yourself.

Are your hormone issues really hormonal?

Or is it the life you are living?


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