5 observations I've made during my 5 years in practice as a women's health practitioner

5 years in practice working with hundreds of women.

Working in this space has been the most healing, not only for my clients but for myself and the biggest learning experience of my life. What a gift it has been to help all the women I have.

I will always remember one of my very first client calls.

A woman came to me because she had lost her period and had a host of symptoms due to over-exercising and under-eating because of her desires to have that perfect body and because of “health,” she thought she was doing what she needed to do to be worthy and healthy.

She wanted her period back. She wanted her life back and most importantly to feel alive again and nourished in all areas of her life.

During our call she started crying and said “You know, it’s just really hard being a woman”

She felt that she was going to lose her identity as the healthy fit woman if she pursued REAL health to get her period and life back.

I still get choked up to this day thinking about that call.

That was the call that I never knew would change my entire trajectory of how I talk to women, how I take clients and how I show up in the world to help people.

From that day forward I absolutely refused to be a part of a holistic health culture that promotes restriction, diets, detoxes, eliminations for symptom management or dieting for weight loss. I’ve seen first hand what it does to women.Working with women has been challenging but so rewarding. Everyone has a story and I hope I have helped you in some way change that story.


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