I've got 99 problems but healing my digestive system solved like 98 of them

👆🏻Actual footage of me confident AF after all my problems resolved by working on my gut health.

But really tho.

Most of you have heard my story. The reason I became a nutritionist was because I healed my digestive system and in turn every other symptom or ‘diagnosis’ I had. My clients will likely tell you the same.

Got blood sugar issues? Get your gut in check.

Got anxiety? Get your gut in check.

Skin probs? Get your gut in check.

Thyroid issues? Get your gut in check.

Hormones wack? Get your gut in check.

I made all the mistakes and tried all the restrictive therapeutic diets hoping to see some relief but only got worse. None of these diets are sustainable and the second I tried adding foods back in I would react with a massive histamine shit storm, as any body would after restricting foods and food groups for a period of time.

I now can confidently say I eat all foods, animals and plants without any repercussions. As a human should.


This is why I will forever be passionate that therapeutic diets are detrimental and will never get to the root of your problems but will likely create a more unhealthy environment in the long run.

PS. That is what ALL diets are, they were created to help those with chronic diseases and symptoms like seizures short term, not long term use by an average human being.

It has been my mission ever since to help women heal without restricting foods.

Let this sink in. It only takes one diet to mess with your metabolism for life.

Healing your gut is not about going on a special diet, taking a probiotic or some fancy digestive supplement that whoever the F is promoting on instagram claiming it healed every ailment under the sun to make a few bucks.

There is so much more to it and requires lifelong nourishment and healthy lifestyle.

And I might as well get this out of the way…

Eating to support your metabolism or what people would call pro-metabolic just means pro-real food.

Eating REAL food, as we should have been all along. It’s a bummer we are being bombarded with BS nutrition advice all the time that eating real food is so revolutionary, controversial and evil.


The 6 most common weight loss myths being sold to women


Animal protein sources are biologically appropriate and far superior to plant protein sources