Menopause is a reflection of how you have lived your life
Ladies in your 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, listen up!
I know you’re thinking “But Laura, I don’t care about menopause i’m so young”
Girlfriend, it’s time to start nourishing and understanding your body now or you will pay later.
One of the biggest questions I get is does the information I teach apply to menopausal women.
The fact that we have been bombarded with messaging telling us that during peri and post menopause we just need to eat less, we need to switch to some super restrictive diet because we will will gain 100 pounds, we need to use all these creams and beauty treatments and take hormone replacement therapy for all those dreadful symptoms.
We have somehow become these weak, fat, ugly, dried up wrinkled raisins with zero sex appeal. Our vaginas are like the Sahara desert, our bones are just going to break merely getting out of bed, our breasts hang down to our knees, and we are riddled with hot flashes, arthritis and mood swings to top it off.
This is complete and total BS. And it does not need to be that way!
How have we turned a truly natural process in a woman’s life into a money making industry?
A natural process that is still a mystery to most scientists and researchers because women and women’s cycles are “complicated.”
Billions of dollars are spent on adverting estrogen as a cure all. But luckily we are now becoming aware of estrogen being the culprit to many cancers and disease in the body.
Oh wait silly me…
These are the same people that have created the stressful, estrogenic lives we lead causing us to have these dreadful menopausal symptoms in the first place.
Due to this we need to have more awareness than ever before. We need to understand what true nourishment is, we need to make adjustments in our lives to combat all the lies we have been told about how to lives our lives.
Just know. Nature did not make a mistake.
Menopause is a normal, natural physiological adjustment. Stop letting influencers, ads or doctors make you think otherwise.
A healthy transition requires two things: Nourishing your body with proper nutrition + limiting stress.