6 foods I incorporate daily to support my hormones now that I understand my unique female physiology

I dont know who needs to hear this today but you can be the girl slaying the raw milk, raw carrot salads, boiled mushrooms, sipping bone broth, adrenal cocktails, and organ meats even if your family and friends think you are absolutely insane.

They likely got a little lost and caught up in diet culture drinking their nut milks, demonizing orange juice and sugar, limiting salt, and going more plant-based while the thought of eating red meat is a no go, let alone adding in organ meats and eating nose to tail.

Sugar free, gluten free, dairy free, free, free, free….

I dunno about you but I prefer FREEdom while understanding how my body works and what foods are most superior giving me the most bang for my buck.

When it comes to supporting your female physiology it all comes down to nourishment and bringing down stress in the body with minerals and nutrients. The more stress on your plate the more minerals and nutrients you deplete.

Unfortunately, we live in an overly stressed world, consumed by diet culture and quick fixes. We have been depriving ourselves of true nourishment for far too long, for some of us since birth and our hormones are taking a massive hit.

I remember in high school reading poetry by Sylvia Plath and she wrote about drinking bone broth to heal her menstrual cramps. I remember being 16 and thinking how strange is that just take midol 😂 I also have no idea why this has stuck with me all these years but she was on to something and intuitively listened to her body. Something we are so far removed from.

We need to forget everything we have been told and get back to nature with the food that we eat and the lifestyles that we keep to support our body in this modern day stressful, estrogenic shit show.

Keep in mind, you do not need to be having symptoms or hormonal issues to support your body and focus on nourishment. Listen to your body now before it screams.


The majority of women ages 16-65 are unknowingly struggling with estrogen dominance


15 signs you have gotten a little lost on your health journey