Being cold all the time is not a badge of honor.

We have all seen the memes about being that girl that is cold all the time. We laugh and share them with our friends and co-workers since it’s relatable. But in all honesty this is actually not funny at all if we understood what our bodies were trying to tell us. Being cold all the time is a symptom not a badge of honor.

I remember it felt like a badge of honor that I needed to wear a coat all the time because I was freezing all the time. I associated it with being thin and athletic. That is what diet culture would like you to believe.

I was always finding ways to shove my frozen cold toes under my husband’s legs or holding his hand because of my frozen fingers.

At the time I was swapping from diet to diet. Smoothies, low salt, low fat, low carb, no sugar, fasting, forgetting to eat, salads, protein shakes and powders, dairy free, no eggs, training 2x per day and walking 2 miles to and from work. Eat less and work out more is what I was told. Salt, dairy, red meat and eggs will kill you! Carbs will make you fat! Women shouldn’t have breakfast, have a juice or a smoothie. Fasting will clear every symptom you have and make you thin!

What da 🤯

Meanwhile my cold, lifeless body was telling me otherwise. My metabolism was trashed.

Ever notice how children and men tend to be warm and comfortable all the time but women are the ones that are weak, frail and cold? It’s our dieting and lifestyles that gets us here.

It’s all about the heat baby!

According to Dr. Barnes, one of the best ways to check your metabolic rate/ thyroid is through basal metabolic temperature check.

A warm body is a sign of health. When you are chronically cold it is a sign of increased stress hormones and decreased thyroid. When your thyroid is sluggish or when you are stressed, adrenaline and cortisol rise to increase heat and energy.

Heat is a product of a high metabolic rate. People who burn glucose well will produce more waste products (heat, co2 and water) that produces a higher body temperature. More glucose burned = more heat = high metabolic rate.

Ditch the idea that being a woman means you should be cold and weak ✌🏼


Sugar + Carbs are not causing (insert symptoms or disease here). So what is?


The foundations to creating a lifestyle that supports your female physiology