Cycle syncing for hormone balance

You walk into your holistic doc or nutritionists office and you tell them about all the hormonal symptoms you are experiencing. They recommend seed cycling.

You are ecstatic thinking OMG this is the answer to all my prayers and I only have to eat a tablespoon of “healthy” seeds everyday!

Right? Wrong. A for effort tho!

Girlfriend let’s learn a bit about our bodies ok?

One of the biggest reasons we are riddled with symptoms is because we are going against our physiology as women.

To break it down real quick.

Women have a 28 day infradian rhythm and men have a 24 hour hormonal cycle that flows with their testosterone and cortisol levels. This 24 hour rhythm ironically enough flows perfectly with day to day life in America.

Ahh that american dream. Wake up, get to work, work hard all day for 8 hours, workout, come home, eat dinner, go to sleep and do it all over again.

In other words, the grind, this go-go-go lifestyle never took our hormones into consideration. As women we need to adjust our exercise, work, and social lives.

We think we "just can’t hang” and that there is something wrong with us for being so exhausted, moody and symptomatic.

We are not allowed to rest, we are not allowed to be tired, we are not allowed to take a day off.

We simply are not allowed to be a women. We are just these robotic creatures living in a man’s world.

Not to mention. Women are excluded from studies. YUP, all those studies on diets, pharmaceuticals, exercise, hormones, have been done on men becuase women are just too complicated with our 28 day cycles and hormones.

Our cyclical nature is never put into consideration and we simply can not live a happy, healthy life in a masculine energy driven world.

Once you start living in sync with your cycle, get back to nature and the way your physiology intended you will likely start noticing you feel less drained, have more energy overall, are able to finally lose weight, feel less stressed and happier, have more confidence, and feel more aligned with your work.

Give it a try! Oh and ditch the seed cycling BS.


What you think you have vs. What is actually going on


13 foods on my weekly grocery list that support hormones + digestion