Stressed is desserts spelled backwards: How sugar is medicine for your hormones
Alright, who’s the asshole that decided to make sugar the bad guy? You fool.
Clearly these people do not understand basic physiology (especially female) and how sugar is utilized in the body or have any desire to help people understand WHY their cells are not using sugar well.
Sugar = energy baby!
And hold your horses. I’m not saying to go pound down a chocolate cake, box of cereal or a donut from costco. Not all sugar is created equal.
But I will tell ya, there is nothing wrong with you for wanting sugar, you are not a sugar addict.
Crave chocolate before your period? That is your bodies desire for magnesium and energy. See? Our bodies are so intelligent. Listen.
It’s funny how lost we get when the stress of life takes over. Funny, that is when we should be listening to our bodies and taking assessment the most.
As kids we always had bedtime snacks, we ate 3 meals a day and 2 snacks, we wanted sugar and comfort foods during times of stress.
Now we think we should get some badge of honor for skipping dessert, avoiding fruit and honey, fighting the urge to have that chocolate, skipping a snack before bed (even tho we are hungry).
A badge of honor for downright starving ourselves of what our bodies need. In the name of what? A society driven perfect body?
Over it.
Sugar is medicine if used appropriately.
As Mary Poppins would say, “A little bit of sugar helps the cortisol go down, helps the cortisol go down”