What Do Your Hormone Lab Results Mean?
“Laura, I was told I have low progesterone and high estrogen but the supplements and cream didn’t work”
“I have high testosterone! But I have no idea what to do about it”
“I was told my estrogen is low but I have all the symptoms of excess estrogen! They want me to take HRT!”
Well girl, this post is for you.
First, we simply CAN NOT get laser focused on a single hormone.
I see this all the time.
This intense need to eliminate estrogen or increase progesterone or lower androgens.
Our hormones have an intimate relationship and need to be in balance with one another. Isolating one hormone out over the others won’t get anyone anywhere!
Second. You can be taking all the supplements, running all the labs, but if you don’t get the foundations down, you will NEVER get your hormones in balance.
I think one of the biggest disservices practitioners can do is run hormone labs without addressing the foundations.
Every aspect of your life influences your hormonal health:
Blood Sugar Balance
Mineral Balancing
Toxin Exposure
After all these are the things that got you to this hormonal shit storm in the first place.
Swipe right to learn more 👉🏻