Cruciferous Vegetables + DIM Won't Balance Your Hormones

So you walk into your holistic docs office with hormonal complaints of breast tenderness or pain, migraines/ headaches, heavy or irregular periods, cystic acne, PMS, anxiety, low libido, fatigue, fibroids, endo, PCOS, and/or weight gain.

They either runs some testing, most likely a blood panel that won’t tell you anything or they just tell you to take some DIM and eat more cruciferous vegetables to help eliminate excess estrogen. You leave thinking OMG I found my answer, this supplement and those vegetables will save me!

Girl, hold your horses!

There is so much more work that needs to be done before slugging down loads of cruciferous vegetables on the daily and taking a DIM supplement.

Not to mention they are probably causing a hormonal shit show. When cooked and in moderation these can be fine but too much of anything can create havoc.

We are living in a world where we are so afraid of carbs that we now replace everything under the sun with cauliflower and kale. PLEASE. Who actually wants cauliflower mashed potatoes, this is some sick joke.

Never in history have we ever consumed this many leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables but yet we are the sickest we have ever been riddled with thyroid and hormonal issues.

I have some clients coming to me that have been taking DIM supplements for years, yes, I said YEARS and making sure they get in their cauliflower mashed potatoes and cauliflower rice everyday, because… “carbs and sugar are bad for hormones but cauliflower helps to balance them!” 🙄And they wonder why they aren’t getting any better!

I challenge you to stop making these vegetables a priority in your diet and see how little you actually want them. I gag at the thought of kale or cauliflower. My body is saying “please bitch, give me more energy, what do you think I am?”

I’l pass on these low energy, heavy metal, nutrient sucking, thyroid attacking, digestion destroyer vegetables.

Swipe right to learn more. 👉🏻


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