No, You Don't Need to Supplement Vitamin D Just Because It's Winter

If I had a dollar for every time I had a client tell me they are low in vitamin D I would be one rich bitch.

Or I love when someone has been supplementing high dose vitamin D and their levels never get better and their symptoms get worse. I would be an even richer.

Doctors claim vitamin D to be the answer to everything. Hell, google vitamin D right now. You will get overloaded with how wonderful and necessary it is to supplement with it and how every symptom in the book is related to low vitamin D. I bet you could type in broken toe and they would say vitamin D is the answer!

Why is it that every single lab I have ever run with a client comes back with low vitamin D? Literally hundreds.

Why is it that every HTMA I run I can tell immediately if someone has been supplementing vitamin D due to their insanely out of wack minerals. Hello calcium and magnesium shell!

Something is fishy here. We are not looking at the whole picture.

The biggest problem is that the second winter rolls around we instantly think we need to start supplementing vitamin D because the world tells us to.

What if I told you vitamin D is a big money making hoax and it’s actually not about Vitamin D at all but other nutrient and mineral imbalances that are causing your “low vitamin D levels”?

Swipe right to learn why I NEVER recommend anyone supplement with vitamin D. 👉🏻

Not medical advice.


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