The Truth About Plants

I can guarantee if you walk into any health professionals office they will tell you to eat more vegetables, as if that is going to solve all your problems! 🙄

Sure, eating vegetables in place of the standard american diet is going to be better, duh! But is it optimal? No. Potentially harmful? Maybe.

Here’s the deal.

Our soils are not what they used to be. The vegetables you are eating today don’t have near close to the same nutritional value as they did decades ago due to all the chemicals they are sprayed with (even organic), toxic tap water they are being grown in, and the heavy metals they suck up from our soils which displace vital nutrients we need as humans.

Leafy green vegetables have a fiber in the form of cellulose. The human body can not digest cellulose. This hard to break down fiber can cause inflammation, irritation, intestinal damage from increased bowel size, and in turn causes constipation, diarrhea, gas or bloating.

Goitrogens are found in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, soy, cauliflower, leafy greens, cabbage, and brussel sprouts. Goitrogens suppress thyroid and metabolic function and are highly estrogenic.

They have protective mechanisms known as anti-nutrients to protect themselves from invaders. Anti- nutrients interfere with how your body absorbs other nutrients.

Yum right? I mean who doesn’t want to load up their plates with toxic, chemical filled, estrogen laden, anti-metabolic, anti-thyroid, malnourished plants that create digestive hell? Me, Me, Me! Seconds please!

Grass eating animals are known as ruminants. They have a different digestive system than us which includes the ruman. This is where cellulose + hard to digest plant matter is broken down. They can digest + assimilate nutrients from plants.

Humans are meat eaters, this is seen through history simply through geography + how our teeth function.

This is not to say to never have plants. Cook them well and know where they are grown.

Animals first, plants later.

You are a grown ass woman who’s body is nutritionally demanding + requires a lot of energy, loading your plate with this toxic, low energy, bird food simply will not give you what you need to thrive.


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