Got Estrogen Dominance? Your Gut Could Be To Blame!

I know. You are looking at this thinking Laura, what in the actual F is this?

Let me explain.

This is for the women that are doing ALL THE THINGS but are still struggling with estrogen dominance symptoms:

Irregular/heavy periods
Swelling/ water retention
Breast tenderness/ fibroids
Weight gain
Digestive issues
Sleep probs
Mood issues/ anxiety

You get the gist. Literally every female problem can be brought back to estrogen dominance whether it be relative (in comparison to progesterone) or true.

I don’t care if your digestion seems great. I can guarantee your gut is to blame for your hormonal issues. Like I’ve said before and I will say again. We always work on minerals (hello copper) and gut health first. 9x out of 10 your hormones will balance as a result.

This stupidly detailed graph 👆🏻is simply just a representation of what goes wrong when your microbiome is not functioning optimally.

You have an entire microbiome dedicated to regulating estrogen levels. It’s called the estrobolome.

After estrogen circulates throughout the body doing what it needs to do it ends up in the liver where it’s broken down and packaged for elimination or reabsorption, then sent to your intestines. When in the intestines, estrogen will either be eliminated through your poop or reabsorbed and recirculated in the body by an enzyme called beta-glucuronidase, which breaks down estrogen to be excreted or reabsorbed.

When the system of estrogen metabolism is working the way it’s supposed to, you absorb and excrete the right balance of estrogen, creating happy hormone balance.

Recirculating estrogen in an already estrogen dominant body is the last thing we need!

Your estrobolome can only function well if your gut is healthy, there are so many of us walking around these days unbeknownst to us with a wrecked gut.

There is a constant conversation taking place between your gut and endocrine system. I will say it again, it ALWAYS comes back to your gut (and minerals) but hey, if you’re not absorbing your minerals due to poor digestion you’ll just end up in shits creek without a paddle. Get yo’ gut checked girlfriend.


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