Superior Vegetables vs. Inferior Vegetables

“Do you eat vegetables?”

The #1 question I get asked.

I know. I am that crazy lady that always talks about eating meat, dairy and fruit. But YES, I am all about the vegetables, sometimes.

No the foods on the right are not inherently bad. But there are some things you should know before throwing a bunch of raw leafy green veggies into that smoothie or consuming tons of vegetables in the name of health.

Green leafy vegetables + cruciferous vegetables are low energy foods, have low digestibility + absorbability + simply are not that satiating.

The main reasons I say to avoid having an abundance of these vegetables:

+ Their defense mechanisms aka anti-nutrients that interfere with nutrient absorption

+ They are great at sucking up heavy metals from the soils

+ Their impact on thyroid health due to goitergens and toxicity

+ They are estrogenic and contain PUFAs

+ Glyphosate and chemicals they are sprayed with (yes, even organic)

+ Causes digestive distress due to anti-nutrients and overall being really hard to break down

You will get way more bang for your buck consuming animal proteins, dairy, fruit + peeled root vegetables, they do not contain the same anti-nutrients since they are protected from predators (animals, insects and humans).

So what’s a girl to do? I get it, sometimes you just want a veggie.

+ Never raw! Cook them REALLY, REALLY well to help with anti-nutrients and digestibility. Boiling is best.

+ Chew your smoothies + ditch the greens

+ If you must have a salad massage it and let it sit for 30 minutes of more to help break up some of the fibers and make it digestible

+ Vegetables should be considered a condiment not a whole dish

+ Eat them only when you crave them

+ Check in with your metabolism- check your temperature after eating such foods, do they warm you up?

+ Consume organic (that doesn’t say much these days)

+ Find a local farmer or grow yourself

+ Check Dirty Dozen

There is a huge difference between having them occasionally + trying to meet your protein and carb needs through them.

And girl, ditch the green smoothies already! They are NOT giving you the energy you need to be the badass bitch that you are!


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